Insurance companies have started selling online Casco
While the Ministry of Finance is trying to legalize the sale of insurance policies through the Internet, some insurance companies have begun to serve customers online. True, from the comfort of home, you can only buy certain products: comprehensive insurance, and insurance for travel abroad...
The program of the seminar: Where it all begins. The purpose and result. Orgpolitika - what does your plan is feasible. Simple rules for a plan of action. Battle plans, orders, task - steps to the goal. Make a plan is not enough. Achieve performance! Reporting on the implementation of
- Are you overwhelmed? - The more employees, the less you have the time and freedom? - You have to decide almost all the problems in the company? - Do you miss the 24 hours in the day? - You do not have time for yourself and family? - Are you not happy with the efficiency of the majority of your employees and the company as a whole? If you answer "Yes" to any of questions, then this seminar is for you!
Today every businessman and manager understands the importance of marketing, and that's what the marketing - do not fully understand it. It seems to have something to do - from advertising, to lay out product so that it is better to buy, hold rallies, track service. Many people even realize how important it is to engage in PR company, but one way or another in most cases, in the mind of executives and businessmen this whole area is like a "salad": that advertising that PR, that marketing - all one and the same ...
The survey showed business, duration interview with the candidate and the number of questions put to him rarely affect the accuracy of selecting the right person. The probability of error is still high. Can I do something about it? ...
Not all employees are equally useful. Common mistakes in hiring, most companies committed to hiring new approach that increases the efficiency of the company as a whole. How to find smart employees in modern Russian conditions. What is really important to look at the interview with the candidate? Recruiting tools, proven world and Russian experience ...
Like and staff became more. And I still have to do everything myself ...
Here's a real case. A well known company in Almaty launches new direction. They are looking for a leader in this field. Contact the famous recruiting company in Moscow. Those are the candidate with experience in a similar direction to the famous Moscow store chain. Almaty good company pays the agency. Transporting a person with a family from Moscow to Almaty, buy houses and passes control to a new project ...
Transformer substations, or, as they are often called, converter stations, serve to make electricity that comes to power lines, voltage and convert it to electricity and then pass on...