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Banks face a review of ATMs

Банкам грозит отзыв банкоматов.Since the new year, banks may find it necessary to replace part of its fleet of ATMs that do not meet the new requirements of the Central Bank. As long as they satisfy only one single model. The problem is not that the other ATMs substandard: just their manufacturers are not in a hurry to prove the possibility of a regulator of the equipment to detect counterfeit notes.

Yesterday, the Bank of Russia has published on its website a list of software and hardware (ATMs, POS terminals, and other devices), operating in the recycle mode, CB tested and recommended for use by banks. Recirculation mode, or a function of recycling, suggests that customers in these ATMs are banknotes loaded there other clients - so check the authenticity of banknotes provides ATM itself, without intermediate collection and processing in the bank. The appearance of the recommendations of the Central Bank to banks from using specific models of ATMs with recycling due to the fact that from January 1, 2013 such ATMs should provide recognition at least four machine-readable security features of the banknotes of the Bank of Russia. Such an amendment to its position "On the order of cash transactions and the rules of storage, transportation and collection of notes and coins ..." Central Bank introduced earlier this year. The ability of different models of ATMs to recognize these signs and control checks during testing in its certification centers.

By themselves, the recommendations of the Central Bank on the use by banks of different models of vehicles - a normal practice: the same approach is shared by the Central Bank in respect of the bank is using countably sorting equipment. The problem, according to bankers, is that while the amendment appeared in February this year, the Central Bank in the recommended list of ATMs with recycling is only one model: Diebold Opteva 328. Meanwhile, banks are now using a variety of cash-in recycling of other manufacturers, including NCR and Wincor Nixdorf. As explained by "b" in the Central Bank, a single model of a list of ATMs, of course, is not limited. "Now in our Certification Centre tested the model and other manufacturers - told" Kommersant "in the Bank of Russia. - But the transfer of equipment we tested produced solely by their own will. From the point of view of competition, they have to be interested in it."

Find out from the manufacturer of ATMs, why they have been slow to certify in the Central Bank ATMs with their recycling, failed. Last night phone NCR did not answer the phone from Wincor Nixdorf, the working day, the press-service has ended.

In such a situation, banks are forced to use their existing stock of equipment at your own risk, or to obtain additional authorization by the Bank of Russia, says head of business support processes of retail business of Alfa Bank Maxim Dareshin. "To update an existing fleet of ATMs other brands just for the feature of recycling is too expensive and inefficient, we use ATMs NCR, including with such a function, but you had to get additional approval by the Central Bank, - he said. - In the future, we expect to use as we already have ATMs NCR, and new ATMs OKI, certification which is conducting the Central Bank. " If the manufacturer of ATMs had not yet provide their own equipment for certification in securities, such permit shall be issued for the provision of technical documentation for the bank ATM, confirmed the Bank of Russia. But warned that if the result is negative certification, the continued use of ATMs can be classified as non-compliance with regulations regulator with all the ensuing consequences. However, as noted by the market participants, the use of certified CB ATM does not guarantee protection from prosecution if an ATM skips the fake. "To attract the banker to justice to prove intent, which is unlikely," - says the law firm partner "Yakovlev and Partners" Igor Dubov. Sanctions imposed by the regulator, in his view, for the banks scared.

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